Wednesday 5 June 2019

Mechanical engineering projects ideas

Mechanical engineering is one the oldest field of engineering.  Mechanical Engineering has played a very vital rule in today’s modern and technological developed world. Mechanical engineering also overspread its branches in electrical engineering. Electrical Engineering and mechanical engineering together introduced another interesting field called mechatronics engineering.  Many Mechanical engineering final year students search projects ideas on internet. Therefore I decided to compile this projects list for mechanical engineering students.

Design and Fabrication of Mechanical Sprayer

The main idea behind the project was to design and build a sprayer that can be used for spraying water/medicine on crops. The current method for spraying involves use of tractor for large farms while for smaller farms the spraying is done via hand by using manual labour. The original plan was to build a vehicle was able to manouvre in farmed land while having a sprayer arrangement attached to it. The vehicle would  utilize a much smaller engine, (125 cc), than that of a tractor and hence be able to spray part of the project which will consist of the build container, the pump as well as the pvc pipes with nozzles attached. This will be set up on a platform that can be pulled through a farm by attaching any vehicle in form of it. The platform will be much such that it allows easy attachment. This is very optimistic project for mechanical engineering final year students.

A mini robot to operate in unreachable rough terrains

This is robotics related project for mechanical engineering students. Capability of accessing rough, rugged terrains and inaccessible zones can save lives in many rescue-and-relief situation. A few examples are entry in an earthquake-collapsed building, approaching those trapped in a building that is on fire, accessing damaged coalmines and diffusing explosives in rocky battlefield. Operation in hazardous environments e.g. chemical pipelines or nuclear zone is another application. The design project involves design, analysis, fabrication and control of a multi-terrain unmanned ground vehicle (MT UGV). The terrains encountered can be shallow mud, dry sand, tighter, to carry out surveillance through a camera or to do similar tasks. Importantly, it is light weight, packable in size and can be controlled flexibly (even with android platform smart phones). The design project targets superior tread-climbing functionality (size-to-tread ratio) while retaining stability. It involves rigorous application of Machine Design, Linkage Dynamics and Computer-aided Engineering.

Design, Analysis and Fabrication of Spiral Axis Wind Turbine based on Archimedes screw

Energy Crisis is one of big issues our country is facing today. Due to high and fluctuation increase in oil prices trend for energy generation has been shifted towards renewable energy resources. Our main aim is to extract kinetic energy form wind by using the Spiral axis winnd turbine. As there are lots of horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines installed in coastal areas Pakistan, there is a need to design a wind turbine that could be installed in other urban and rural areas of Pakistan. Moreover the noise produced by wind turbines is so height that the need to installed far away from population to reduce its effect on people. We are designing a Spiral axis wind turbine which has the ability to produce a power 250 Watts at on optimum wind speed . Difference in pressure is created by spatial spiral blade figure which results in better performance. The efficiency of spiral axis wind turbine is greater than all the horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines with similar dimensions.  This project is very crucial for mechanical engineering students of Pakistan.

Design & Development of Solar Batch Collector (Solar Geyser)

Energy crisis is one of the major issues which the whole world is facing today. Because of this energy crisis different research development are in progress focusing on utilizing non-renewable sources to solve day to day needs of energy. In this regard our project of mechanical engineering  focuses on utilizing available solar radiations to provide hot water for domestic use. This project investigates the thermal performance of a unique type of solar geyser, solar batch collector. The selected type of solar geyser provides high outlet temperature since the absorber area is much larger. The solar batch collector has three insulated sides, with a glazing at the top which transfers solar radiations to the cylindrical vessel in the middle.  A steady sate 1-D heat transfer numerical model is also developed based on thermal resistance network model which account for the losses through each side of collector. Experiments were performed where the outlet temperature attained is recorded on different days and times of the day corresponding to various intensities of available solar radiation.

 Design and Development of Solar Parabolic Trough

Within the past few decades, an increase in energy demand has been observed. The world is running out of conventional fuels and it is the need of hour to shift from conventional fuel to renewable energy resources. Solar energy is environment friendly and has proved to be highly effective and cheap. Despite having favorable conditions in Pakistan for harnessing solar energy using different techniques, we are not using solar energy efficiently. Parabolic trough power plants use parabolic trough collectors to concentrate the direct solar radiation onto a tubular receiver. Large collector fields supply the thermal energy, which is used to drive a steam turbine, which, on its part, drives the electric generator. Our mechanical engineering project aims on getting thermal energy form solar radiation more effectively using one of the most inexpensive ways that is through concentric parabolic trough collector and using it to heat water. The parabolic collector would concentrate the sum rays on the tube having heat transfer fluid (water) inside, which will be heated efficiently.

Design and Fabrication of a self leveling platform

This is one of the famous project idea for mechanical engineering students. A self leveling is relatively new idea for stability platforms. It maintains its level with respect to the defined global coordinates system. The control system is designed in such a way that as soon as the disturbance is induced, the platform comes back to its original level. Various approaches were analyzed and different solutions were generated to solve the problem which is unique of its kind. The best solution is that emerged after designing process was then analyzed mathematically and experimentally. To completely analyze the motion and position of platform, a scaled down model was made and tested thoroughly. The model was not only a help in analyzing the motion followed by the platform but a great help in create a mathematical model. Inverse kinematic analysis and forward kinematic analysis were performed and all the solutions were verified by designing a prototype. Then detailed designing and fabrication was carried out which was later integrated with electronic circuitry to check the functionality of the platform.

Design & Fabrication of a Stair Climbing Wheel-Chair

The physically handicapped people face huge challenges in their day to day life, when for even the smallest task they need helper around. These physically handicapped people include those unable to move around due to disability or injury n the lower part of body (legs, feet etc). Many of those injured in war torn areas are disabled for life afterwards and require assistance to move around. Although wheelchair helps these people in mobility and their daily chores but the situation becomes difficult, rather embarrassing, when they have to be lifted by someone all the way up the staircase. The remedy to this problem is scarcely available in the Market in the form of Electric operated machines but they are too costly to be afforded by the major portion of our population.

Design and fabrication of a test bench for shell and tube heat exchanger

Shell and Tube type Heat Exchangers are the most commonly used ones in industry for different purposes in refrigerating and air conditioning system, power system, power systems, food processing systems, chemical reactors. Test bench is a virtual environment used to verify the correctness or soundness of a design or model. The project to design and fabricate a test bench for a shell and tube type heat exchanger is designed last year using fluid flow through pies. The test bench can be used in the Fluid Lab of Mechanical Engineering Department of EME College NUST to test the design of heat exchangers designed in future and check for any faults.

Design and fabrication of a trolley capable of lifting load/weight on stairs

The title of this mechanical engineering project is “Design and Fabrication of a Trolley capable of lifting load/weight on Stairs”, the present project relates to the field of load-carrying equipment of a type that is battery power-operated, and capable of moving upwards or downwards on a flight of stairs for appropriate usage in household, malls, industry et-cetera. Stairs provide an effective mean of ascent and descent than ramps, which take more space, are dangerous, aesthetically unsound for architecture and are costlier. The objective of the project is to design and fabricate an electrically powered trolley which would lift load on stairs with assistance of a single person for direction orientation and balancing. There are various stairs climbing mechanisms, here “Tri Star Wheel Arrangement” has been adopted in which three wheels are arranged in an upright with two on the ground and one above them, if either of the wheel in contact with the ground gets stuck, the whole system rotates over the obstruction. A frame of trolley would be designed/simulated on an appropriate simulation software for torque/power calculation of trhe specified maximum load (to be decide to infer specification of motor and batter. Two DC motors would be connected to the two wheel clusters powered by a single battery.

Design and fabrication of wind tunnel with optimized contraction nozzle

An open loop wind tunnel is a device used to emulate the action of moving air on surfaces these devices reveal details with regards to the aerodynamics of objects.  Airfoils, spherical. Spherical objects an other test objects are placed inside the test section in which the air blown in a way that the relative speed of the object is equivalent to the speed the object will have when it moves during the actual operation. This mechanical engineering project is related to the design of tan open loop wind tunnel, a wind tunnel which discharges used air in the environment every time it is run. The open loop wind tunnel will be designed for subsonic velocities, speed of m/s, having a Mach number of less than 0.2. this wind tunnel will be designed by taking into consideration the effect of boundary layer separation and maintenance of a uniform velocity at the outlet of contraction  nozzle

Design and Fabrication of Flue Gas Desulphurization unit

Coal based power plants emit Suphur Dioxide Gas which is harmful for the environment. Due to increasing number of coal based power plants in Pakistan  environment pollution is increase. Therefore, there is a growing need to control the harmful emission of these plants. This motivated us to work on the Flue Gas Desulphurization Unit. As we can’t work practically on a coal based power plant thus, we decide to work on a Diesel Generator emitting Sulphur Dioxide. This will have two benefits; as the process is same so others  can apply our model to the coal based plant and small Flue Gas Desphurization Units can be installed with Diesel Generators hence decreasing environment pollution. The aim of this project is to optimize the various variables like material selection, flow rates, losses involved in the flow and minimum  power consumption. Thus, making this model for upcoming degrees to improve further.

Design and Fabrication of Fully submersible vertical axis runner

The objective of this mechanical engineering project is to enhance the calibration and testing facility of open loop wind tunnel. One of the proposed objectives is to digitize the manometer by digital display which can be achieved by using pressure sensors to judge the forces on the aero foil and to calculate the lift and drag force on a required object or aero foil. The received signal from the pressure sensor will be amplified using an amplifying circuit after receiving the amplified signal, it is sent to display circuit for the display of forces. Digitized method is better because it not only calculates the velocity of the fluid by using Pitot tube but also it allows to calculate the lift and drag force up to high velocity range. Another preposition was to increase the test section of the wind tunnel but we can’t increase it as it is the design limitations. Though we can visualize less vivid flow of the fluid by introducing colored fluid/gas from the entrance of the fluid section which can be utilized as to confirm the flow of fluid by physically watching the fluid than to compute it on the software.

Design and fabrication of high velocity impact testing setup (Gas Gun)

To property evaluate material for specific applications it is important to use experimental test that match the application situation as best as possible. In order to evaluate the impact damages on material and system, specific equipment tools are needed. Gas gun is the most efficient and commonly used tool for the simulation of ballistic threats and their damage to protection materials i.e. armor. Our work aims to design and fabricate a gas gun which will utilize a high pressure gas (helium) to fire projectiles of different masses within a velocity range of 25m m/s – 1000 m/s i.e. ballistic range. This is very innovative for mechanical engineers.

Design and Fabrication of Human Powered Water Purification Unit

In a nation rife with backward areas with little or no clean water access, Human Powered Water Filtration System has been designed not just as a relief but a holistic solution. Places that are isolated and remote, such as off-grid residences, summer cottages, desert areas and camp ground with limited or no electricity supply are best suited for this projects application. The Human Powered Water Filtration System is a mechanical system that can purify massively contaminated water for human consumption through human pedal power. The design employs pedal power to drive the membrane filtration process which is reverse osmosis filtration membrane. This can attain level of purification as fine as 0.001 microns. The source water, to be treated, may contain dissolved solids, organic compounds and pathogenic contaminants as well. The system, after 20 min operation producing approx. 10 liters of water, can remove all existing levels of bacteria from water, and ~94% of dissolved solid. The system is not solely dependent on Reverse Osmosis membranes and utilizes pre-filtration system to eliminate all large particles to protect the sensitive membranes.

Design and Fabrication of Indigenous Low Velocity Impact testing Machine

Composite material is an emerging field. The use of these materials is increasing day by day. The main reasons behind their extensive usage are their good properties. One of the most important properties is its immense impact strength. The impact strength of composites varies with different parameters like geometry of impactor, velocity of impactor etc. we intend to design and fabricate indigenous  low velocity impact testing machine that will be used to test the impact strength of composite materials. The design and other specifications are in accordance with the ASTM standard D7136. In this testing drop weight impactor will fall on the specimen and after striking the falling dart will rebound. The rebound capturing mechanism will stop the dart to fall again on the specimen as it is the requirement of the ASTM standard. The indented specimen will then study further to analyze the extent of distortion, change in strength and variation in other properties. This is laboratory scale machine. In this way we can experimentally study the properties of the composite material which is important for the composite Lab of EME College.

Design and Fabrication of Radio Controlled (RC) Hovercraft

A Hovercraft, also known as an air-cushion vehicle (ACV), is craft capable of travelling over land, water mud or ice and other surface both at speed and when stationary. They are now used throughout the world as specialized transports in disaster relief, coastguard, military and survey application as well as for sport or passenger services Hovercrafts work on the two main principles of Lift and Propulsion being supported by a Cushion containing Pressurized Air. The goals of this project are to Deign a small scale radio controlled hovercraft in a limited timeframe and understand its basics which eventually lead to the development of full scale passenger hovercraft. The Stability and Weight distribution will be considered. Also the design will be selected on the basis of various design parameters. Stress calculation and fluent simulations will also be performed in order to better describe the calculations.

Design and Fabrication of Relief Robot

Delivering aid, including clean water, food, fuel and medical supplies to places, such as the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan, is difficult task, transporting bulk material over uneven and rough terrain, in tight spaces and over long distances is often required. Our task is to deign and fabricate a mobile device that can transport granular material in such areas. The moon and other planets presents similar terrain challenges. Natural obstacles like large rock, loose soil, deep ravines, and steep slopes conspire to render rolling locomotion ineffective. For such areas legged robots can be used because they have a unique ability to isolate their body form terrain irregularities. Almost 50% of the Earth’s landmass is inaccessible to wheeled and tracked vehicles while people and animals can go almost anywhere on Earth. This situation motivates the development of robot vehicle that use legs for their locomotion, thereby embracing natures’ mobility solution. Our basic aim is to develop n eight legged stair climbing robot working on the Klann Linkage mechanism (A linkage having a gait similar to animals). The robot will be able to climb stairs, move through water of limited height and have the ability to drop payload at the desired location. It could pass through slum areas and rough surfaces, refraining granular materials from any contamination.

Design and Fabrication of Single Stage Miniature Desalination Unit

Desalination is a process of removing salts from the sea water using the process Distillation. Distillation involves the vaporization of water to separate salts form it and then condense it to gain the distillate (Salt free water). The Project holds a vital position as it can be used to provide pure water to the coastal areas where there is a scarcity of water resources e.g. Karachi. Such projects has already been in working in Gulf Countries and have recently been installed in our neighboring country, India. Considering the scarcity of water in certain areas of our country, this project could be of great benefits. Mentioned below is the design of the project. Desalination Unit will consist of a boiler, pipes and a heat exchanger, water will be boiled in the boiler and then it will be condensed in the heat exchanger using the water present in the reservoir. While condensing the fresh water will get pre-heated and the efficiency of the system will be increased as the work of the boiler will be reduced.

Design, Development and Manufacturing of a Surfboard

The performance of various sports equipment has been enhanced by shifting form traditional materials to composite materials. Surfboard, equipment used in water sport called surfing, has also underwent such transition. A sandwich composite structure, consisting of an inner foam core and an outer skin made of GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer) based laminate, has taken place of wood for the construction of surfboards. Sandwich composite structures are not limited to surfboard but also find their use in various other performance-oriented application such as UAV winds. The Project is composed of two main parts. The first part is dedicated to finite element analysis of the surfboard. For finite element analysis various critical loading scenarios that a surfboard can counter when being ridden by a Surfer will be considered. The structural configuration of the surfboard will also varied to look for a better design with enhanced performance. Some variations in structural configuration of a surfboard can be: a hollow structure with no inner foam core and skin consisting of a number of plies; a sandwich structure surfboard with skin also composed of sandwich structure; a hollow structure with no inner foam core but skin itself made of sandwich structure.

Electromechanical behavior modeling and simulation of right atrium of human heart

Atrial arrhythmias have been identified as the most common cause of death worldwide. Research is being done on developing the models for these arrhythmic activities. There we have done brief study of Hodgkin Huxley’s model, Beeler’s model where electrical activity of heart tissue is described in terms of differential equations. We also studied the Xiaoping’s model where the mechanical response of the electrical activity and its consequences has been described. It has been shown why these models can’t be simulated using common FEA software such as Ansys or Abaqus by conventional method. In fact various higher level computational tools have been used to simulate the electrical activity over entire heart geometry. Here we have developed a mathematical formulation to see the electrical activity starting from Sino-Atrial node and propagating into and through the Atrial tissue. Programming language used for this purpose is Matlab. In the end solutions for electrical potential is viewed at different points in the tissue and it has been showed that the membrane potential undergoes the same wave form for the entire tissue but with a little phase difference that is dependent on the anisotropic electrical conduction constants variable in time.

Employing Aerolastic vibrations for energy Harvesting

The need for wireless remote sensors is a fast increasing trend in many industries. The sensors need to survive without maintenance for long periods of time or indefinitely, especially for those placed in inaccessible locations like n heating and cooling ducts for temperature monitoring. Energy harvesting using piezoelectric devices is a possible solution to this problem. Vortex shedding around the cylinder, unsteady force develops in the transverse direction behind the cylinder that can induce significant vibrations on an material, especially if the “resonance” condition is met. We will synchronize natural frequency of piezoelectric beam with the Vortex shedding frequency to obtain maximum attainable power. An energy harvesting system which generates electrical energy from following media without any rotation parts will be presented. The harvester consist of piezoelectric cantilever which oscillate in a media flow and convert kinetic energy into electrical energy. Experimental investigations are performed on a representative device in wind tunnel.

Energy Efficient HVAC System Design For A High Rise Building

HVAC systems are one of the major components in every high Rise building, Due to various climatic changes and high power shortage in Pakistan the need for energy efficient systems are increasing on a daily basis. In our project we are designing an Energy Efficient HVAC system for the gym which is located in F11 Markaz Islamabad. It’s a double storey gym in which Hydronic and Air Distribution systems are used. The need for energy efficient bullying are increasing in Pakistan in which properly maintained atmosphere is required even during the power (electricity) shortage. In order to achieve this goal equipment selection, insulation materials used in pipes and ducts plays an important role in our project we are keeping in view all these aspect and the most economical cost for the owner of the gym. The project also describes the smart equipment allocation for achieving maximum results. In the project we are also consulting local vendors for the Equipment selection. In order to increase the energy efficiency the concept of free cooling will be applied.

Failure modeling of blood Arteries

As engineers e know the equation of flow and mechanics, we can use this knowledge to create realistic 3-D computational model. These computation models are being used to design mechanical products for implementation in biological systems. These models also give us a better understanding of how the human body works. Computational Modeling is entering every aspect of medicine, biology, science & technology. The objective now is to enhance this knowledge and present computational models that are useful to clinicians to decide which drug, device or intervention is the right one for each specific patient. Our objective is creation of an idealized  model of a human artery on ABAQUS Standard. Literature search for a constitutive equation that explains the mechanical behavior of an artery. Check the material library of ABAQUS Standard for the availability of the required material model. Setup an experiment to measure the deformation of an artery under varying internal pressure. Use of Digital Image Correlation (DIC) for the measurement of deformation and strains. Mount strain gauges on a simulated artery replica to check for similarity in results. Co-relate the computer simulated result with the experimental result.

Indigenous Development of Lab-Scale Pre-Preg Manufacturing Machine for Unidirectional (UD) Composites

A  variety of fiber materials are used extensively in various fields. Carbon fiber, carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) and their products are especially popular because they have higher tensile strength than metals. We are going to make CFRP using Pre-Impregnated Method, in which fiber is passed through resin and wound around a mandrel, cut into sheets, stored and cured. The project is to design and fabricate low cot UD composite manufacturing machine for Composite Research Lab. We have designed mechanical structure of machine, control mechanism of machine for high angle “hoop” winding and integrated them. Machine has three basic part: Frame, Carriage and Control System. First of all, a model of machine is made. Then all critical parts are selected and stress and deflection Analysis is carried out. In control, we have selected motor and control electronics based on our requirement. Lastly, we integrated the frame and control system in order to manufacture CFRP Sheets.

Influence of Tool Geometry on Mechanical Properties of Aluminum AA7075 Plates Butt Joints Produced By Friction Stir Welding

Conventional fusion welding process requires melting of the base metal or electrode for joining of metals. Welding without melting is highly significant as it nullifies solidification related porosities and cracking. Friction Stir Welding, invented by TWI, is as solid state metal joining process. A special non consumable tool is used having two components, a shoulder and a pin. Rotating tool moves along a joint interface and produces heat which, in effect, re circulates the flow of the metal along the joint. Traverse and rotational motion of the tool pin extrudes the material leading to friction stir welding process. Friction stir welding is sued mostly for low melting temperature alloys like Aluminum alloys. In this project study of influence of tool pin geometries of AISI H13 steel on mechanical properties of Aluminum AA-7075 plates is don to compare the tensile strength and hardness of the welding plates with those of un-welded base metal.

Installation & Experiment of Solar Space Air Heating System

Energy Crisis is one of the big issues our country is facing today. Due to high and fluctuating increase in oil prices trend for energy generation has been shifted towards renewable sources. Solar space air heating system is Widely used in different parts of World. It takes solar energy and utilizes it to heat the required space of a room widely etc. This project depicts the strategy to heat the room with proper experimentation and develop an apt flow rate for the best efficiency. When appropriate flow rate is found, it can be used as heating system in winter season. The second part is to use this equipment in summer season. This is done by employing it as a solar dryer in summer season. Again it utilizes solar energy and heats the space which in turn dries the required fruit.

Multibody Dynamics based Design and Fabrication of a 3-DoF Parallel Robotic Manipulator

Robotic manipulators are extensively used in industries these days because of numerous economical and technical reasons. Parallel Robotic manipulators belongs to a family of robotic manipulators where linkages join to create closed loops which makes it mathematically less cumbersome to obtain the inverse kinematic solution. These manipulator have applications  in all field where high positional accuracy and precision is the prime objective. Surgical operations, micro assembling, space operations etc. use parallel robotic manipulators owing to their ability to position themselves with very small errors in position. Our manipulator is a 3-DoF (three translations in x,y and z directions) delta robot (three legs and three motors) with a movable end effectors and a acceleration study of the entire manipulator is done considering the manipulator in which the force and acceleration study of the entire manipulator is done considering the manipulator as a single body; error optimization of workspace in which values of maximum erros are determined to find the  optimum link lengths and; DC and servo motorcontrol system design using PID algorithm to effectively control the robotic manipulator. Our prime objective is to obtain minimum positional error in the end effectors’ position with the help of design procedures mentioned above.

Parametric study and optimization of leaser cutting parameters

With the advancement in technology, the use of laser cutting of wood, metal and fibers is becoming an effective technique. The college bought a CNC laser engraver to revolutionize the cutting and engraving processes carried out in workshop and carve products with precise dimensions where need be. Our job is to bring the formerly idle CNC engraver into a fully functional state ready to perform task at hand. Machine’s hardware will be studied regarding properties and interface with machine. It is 2-axis Laser cutting and engraving CNC with manual focus adjustment in the vertical direction. Later on the different characteristics involving laser cutting and engraving will be studied. Once the machine is working a manual will be created, so that anyone who is new to the machine could easily operate the machine without difficulties.

Solar Water Heating With Latent Energy Storage (LES)

The purpose of this work is to study the viability of storing solar energy in Phase Change Material (PCM), which can be sued for domestic purposes during non-sunshine period. Installation of storage system along with solar heater ensures that the energy is available for 24hours. The stored energy can be used for multi domestic purposes, like air and water heating during winter season. The system consists of two heat absorbing units. One of them is solar water heater or solar collector which collects solar heat and supplies hot water during daytime, while, the other one is Latent Heat Storage (LHS) system consisting of PCM (paraffin), which stores energy during sunshine period and, stored energy can be used during nighttime or non-sunshine period. The storage unit consist of small aluminum tubes filled with PCM wax and enclosed in a steel cylinder acting as shell. At the starts of the day water is circulted through soalr collector to absorb heat from solar radiations. Soalr energy is transferred into water causing water to heat up. The heated water is then circulated into the storage tank, consisting of PCM tubes filled with paraffin. The PCM absorbs heat from hot water and the transferred energy is stored as sensible heat in the PCM initially.

Waste Heat Recovery form Biscuit oven line using Heat Exchanger

Project for mechanical engineering mainly emphasizes upon efficient use of energy resources at work in our target industry i-e Karnot Food limited. Following the project outline we will be doing energy auditing to find the most suitable results of energy waste. Karnot food limited is a subsidiary of English food producing biscuits such as sooper, gala, peanut plus etc. our audit will focus on systems for waste-heat recovery our roadmap includes preparing for an energy audit, inquiring the energy and by what sort of inventory, analyzing energy bills, understanding the schematics involved, identifying energy-efficiency opportunities, conducting cost benefits analysis, preparing energy audit reports and under taking post-audit activities (waste heat recovery system). Objective of our project is to help with energy rationalization in industry for better resource utilization and recycling of heat that is normally exhausted as a waste.
So these are mechanical engineering projects idea for mechanical as well as mechatronics engineering  students. You may also check mechatronics engineering projects.